Saturday, June 04, 2005

God is Everything

Everything is God. There is only God in this universe. The universe is him. Everything we see is only a split of him, and that split is only for our mind. Recursively the mind itself is God.


Anonymous said...

Have you read the book Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (the same guy who wrote the Da Vinci Code). In that book, the guy describes God as being limitless, unbounded energy. It is this energy that caused the big bang to happen. In that book, he tries to make it seem that, in life, the universe and everything else, all these things can be explained through both our religion as well as science. Maybe you should read it. He also calls on Buddism, where they say that God resides in each and every one of us, and that we know evrything, we just have to recall it.

Anonymous said...

That which is everywhere can also be seen as not at all present, for zero and infinity are one and the same, as they go into the opposite sides, they come back together in the next higher dimension. This is my opinion, dunno whether its right or not yet. Will find out in time ;)

Jagan said...

to karthik:
i am very clear that zero and infinite are different.
0/anything is zero
anything/0 is undefined as-well-as infinite.
chk out dictionary meaning of infinite or try googling for "define:infinite"