Friday, February 25, 2011

Space is what I believe as God / Almighty

My spiritual guru Vethathiri and the followers of him, believe in the following points.
  1. Space is God, Almighty, Divine
  2. Space is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. That is, present every where, has infinite potential that never drops, has ultimate consciousness that knows everything.
  3. All matter in this Universe evolved from this Space
  4. Space looks and feels empty or vacuum only to our senses or the scientific instruments that aid our senses
  5. Subatomic particles are actually not particles, but a dynamic wave form of the otherwise static space. So matter is a misnomer. The actual matter is Space.
  6. Space is the only thing in this Universe. There is no other God or Satan. Even if there is a satan, it is also a manifestation of Space.
  7. Space is the reason for the universal gravity. This is due to the self compressive nature of Space. This is the reason why every spatial object is spinning and assumes spherical or globular shape.
  8. The self compressive nature of Space is what holds all the massive galaxies, stars and planets _floating_ in space. If one can comprehend this, it is easy to realize how much potential Space has.
  9. Universe evolves as dictated by the ultimate consciousness of Space. It follows Pattern, Precision and Regularity in all its evolution.
  10. 5 senses are meant only for survival. They do not operate at the frequency of space (0 Hz), or sub-atomic particles (0 to 5 Hz)
  11. 6th sense or human mind only is capable of tuning itself to near zero and zero frequencies.
  12. When the human mind has tuned itself to zero frequency through practice, that a human-being is said to have attained self-realization, enlightenment or wisdom.
  13. Enlightened human-beings cannot give birth to off springs, as enlightenment is the reason or purpose for birth
  14. All thoughts of all humans emerge from the consciousness of the single Space. That is why I say all humans are split personalities of the single God.
  15. Any practice that helps in tuning the frequency of mind towards zero is called meditation
  16. The consciousness of Space dictates the cause and effect principle in the Universe. So every cause will have its right effect taking the right time. No one can change it.
  17. All actions that will help man in realizing the Space, will result in pleasure. All actions that will push him away from realizing this, will result in pain.
  18. Nature of Space is the single truth that everyone is searching for
  19. Peace will prevail in this world only when everyone realizes the truth about Space
This list of findings and understandings go on.

One or more points mentioned here might be wrong, as I am a beginner in this realization process. Please ignore them and try to capture the essence of it.

Let this information benefit people, if the things mentioned are really true.

Be blessed by the divine Space.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cool down meditation Santhi (சாந்தி) is a must

When practising Kundalini (குண்டலினி) meditations:

1. It is very dangerous to read it from books and try it alone ourselves.
2. It is very dangerous if we do not do COOL DOWN meditation - Santhi (சாந்தி) as often as required by the body.

I have been affected a lot by the second of these 2. In my 10th std I learnt mediation from a Vethathiri centre. At that time I did not know that my brain and body is weak to handle intense life force concentration on my head. I did not learn சாந்தி properly. And I kept doing only higher level mediations for a year. Then I started getting headaches now and then. Also whenever I meditate, I would get headache. My mind was growing stronger - but my body was growing weaker.

Then I left meditation for 3 years. After that I started trying to do சாந்தி on and off. But till recent times, I was not able to concentrate at the position required by சாந்தி - Moolaadhaar மூலாதாரம். Only in the recent few weeks I am able to feel some thing at that position.

In the past, I mean before 500 years, many people have died due to not knowing this wonderful cool down technique. Meditating on head and upper levels will lead to such a huge intensity of life force on the head, which will damage all the brain cells. First that will cause you to act mad and will eventually lead to death.

So for intense mind users like us, it is very important to do சாந்தி one or more times in a week. And for weaker bodies, doing it every evening is recommended.

But the teachers at centre do not keep insisting its importance. They only advise us once or twice.

So whatever kundalini form of meditation you learn and practise, always check if there is a cool down meditation suggested and make sure you practise it as often as required. Otherwise it will drive you mad.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Astrology and Black Hole Jets

Rahu Kethu mentioned in Astrology refers actually to the two sides of the particle and ray Jets formed due to the Black Hole at the centre of our Sun!

By meditation, people have found such jet radiation to exist thousands of years ago. But only recently (1970 onwards) it has been predicted and found to an extent by the scientific community!

And science is yet to realize that our Sun also has a Black Hole in its centre!

People, please understand the limitation of Science and believe in the ultimate power of human mind!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Every man's mind is a split personality of the single God

God's consciousness is the reason for anything that happens in this universe. Every man's mind is a split personality of the single God's consciousness.

And so every man's thought has influence over what happens in the society. It evolves as per the sum total of all human's thoughts. This infers that the world is still existing without getting destroyed because the sum total is more good than bad. திருவள்ளுவர் has also said that it rains in this world only because of the good people it has.

For example, consider you wish to marry a particular girl. Also consider that the 4 of your parents think that you both should not marry. What will finally happens depends on the sum total of 6 your thoughts.

Another example: Consider that 10 men are sexually attracted to a girl. But later the girl chooses to marry a single guy. Later if a strongly built rude guy happens to see that girl, even if his mind's desire's intensity is not strong enough to rape her, his thoughts will be influenced by all the previous men who have lost her, and will lead to that rude guy raping that girl.

So please always be aware of all thoughts that emerge from you. And thoughts are more intense if a group of people think the same thing.

Mind - Purest vs Corrupted

Purest of human mind is God own. It is unlimited in its vision and most pure. But when that mind is acting under the influence of our past sins or the brain and the 5 senses, mind becomes limited, impure and corrupted. This produces a sort of split or conflict between what the purest mind wants (ie what God wants) and what the corrupted mind wants.

But what ever the mind wishes (either pure or impure) initiates corresponding action in some part of the Universe. Now, whichever wish - the pure or the impure one - has more intensity has more profound impact on the Universe.

For example, if the purest mind wants to marry a good girl and the limited or impure mind wants to marry a beautiful girl. As long as it sees a girl who is both beautiful and good, like my wife, there is no conflict. But instead if it sees a beautiful but bad girl, or good girl who is not so beautiful, there occurs a conflict. Now if the impure minds wish is so strong and not aware of the inner minds wish, then it wins in getting the beautiful but bad girl. And later on faces the consequences of the bad character of the girl and repents its decision.

What is the moral of this story? There are many, but here are some:

  1. Every human should introspect on what thoughts of him / her are originating right from God's mind and what thoughts are corrupted on the way by the sins, brain, and 5 senses!
  2. Reduce the sins, understand the limitation of brain, and reduce the influence of 5 senses so as to synchronize the thoughts originating from God, and the thoughts of the conscious mind.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Understanding the soul will create a turning point in science

It will be a turning point in Science and Medicine when scientists start understanding that body and brain is actually controlled by the soul.

And that the brain is just a major mediator between soul and the body!

The Art of Autosuggestion

Yes. Auto suggestion works. Because we are all God's multiple personalities.

All our thoughts are God's own thoughts.

Universe's best and most accurate particle accelerator

Tuned / Tunable Human Mind is the universe's best and most accurate particle accelerator.

Although the world's smallest and least-energy particle accelerator! :D

[The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator.

God evolved as man

God did not create man. God evolved as man.

Due to its abundant static energy.

And man will become satisfied only when he realizes that. Only then the problems of hatred, greed, corruption, rape ...etc will be solved.

Science and God

Till Science accepts facts only using the 5 senses, we cannot comprehend God using Science!

Because God is understandable or realizable only using man's 6th sense. One has to tune the mental frequency to near-zero levels to realize God.

One of my favourite kural

ஈன்றாள் பசிகாண்பான் ஆயினும் செய்யற்க
சான்றோர் பழிக்கும் வினை. (656)


தன்னைப் பெற்ற தாயின் பசித் துன்பத்தைக் கண்ணால் கண்ட போதிலும், மேலோர்கள் பழிக்கும் செயல்களை ஒருவன் செய்யவே கூடாது.

A person does not do sins, even when his mother is suffering due to starvation.

How many of you agree with this Kural?

People who have attained wisdom wont do bad things even if the life of themselves or their wife or their parents or their children is threatened. They would regard 'doing good' more than their life.

Why people do bad deeds?

Some reasons why people do bad deeds:

1. They are not aware of the God's law of cause and effect. That is, they are not aware that if they do bad things, it will hurt them or their descendants later on.

2. Even if some are made aware of point 1, they are not able to believe it. It is because they are not mature enough or they are short of proof or statistics of point 1.

3. Even if some believe point 1, they are not able to control themselves because of habit or sensual desire or their current circumstances.

Some people are not even aware of point 1. But still they do not bad things because:

1. Their ancestors would have learnt point 1 and that learning would be in the sub-conscious of the person.

2. Or they would have been taught blindly time and again by their parents and teachers, not to do bad things and they do not do bad due to blind fear.

But such persons would eventually do bad stuff if irritated more than their threshold, or once they start questioning "why I should not do bad?" and do not find or realize the point 1 as answer.

Self-realization is the permanent cure for this.